Alice S. Ren


Alice is a physical oceanographer. She works with data from autonomous vehicles to observe ocean dynamics.

Current Bio and Contact

Dr. Ren is starting as an assistant professor at Arizona State University in Jan. 2026. Please reach out if you are interested in the graduate program or a postdoc position. The lab will be based at Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (ASU-BIOS).


Recent Projects

Observations of Turbulence Generated by a Near-Inertial Wave Propagating Downward in an Anticyclonic Eddy

Springtime Warming by Ocean Advection in the Gulf Stream

Drift Characteristics of Sea-Bird Dissolved Oxygen Optode Sensors

Warming and Lateral Shift of the Gulf Stream from In Situ Observations Since 2001

Dissolved Oxygen Observations from Spray Underwater Gliders This seminar was recorded at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on Jan 10, 2023.

Across-shore Propagation of Subthermocline Eddies in the California Current System

Salinity and Temperature Extremes in the California Current System

Oceanic Dissolved Oxygen Declines

Archived Projects

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